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How to Measure for LED Strip Lights?

Aug. 15, 2024

LED strip lights are a versatile and popular lighting option for both residential and commercial spaces. However, before installing them, it’s crucial to accurately measure the area to ensure you purchase the correct length and avoid any issues during installation. In this article, we’ll guide you through the steps to measure for LED strip lights, ensuring a perfect fit for your lighting project.

Step 1: Determine the Installation Area

The first step in measuring for LED strip lights is to determine where you want to install them. LED strips can be used in various locations, such as under cabinets, along staircases, around ceilings, or behind TVs. Identify the specific areas where you plan to place the LED strip lights and take note of any obstacles or corners that might affect the measurement.

Consider the overall look you want to achieve and whether you want continuous lighting or prefer to highlight specific areas. This will help you decide whether to measure for a single strip or multiple strips in different locations.

High Bright Flexible LED Strip Lights

High Bright Flexible LED Strip Lights

Step 2: Measure the Length of the Area

Once you’ve identified the installation area, use a measuring tape to measure the length of the space where the LED strip lights will be installed. If the area includes corners or curves, measure the total length by following the contours of the surface.

Be sure to measure accurately, as even a slight miscalculation can result in insufficient or excess strip length. If you’re installing LED strips in multiple locations, measure each area separately and add up the total length needed. This will help you determine the total length of LED strip lights required for your project.

Step 3: Consider the Cut Points

LED strip lights are designed with specific cut points, usually marked by a line or a pair of scissors icon, where you can safely cut the strip to achieve the desired length. These cut points are spaced at regular intervals, typically every 2 to 4 inches, depending on the type of LED strip.

When measuring, keep in mind that you’ll need to cut the strip at one of these designated points. If your measurement falls between two cut points, round up or down to the nearest cut point and adjust your overall length accordingly. This ensures that the strip will fit perfectly without leaving gaps or requiring awkward bending.

Flexible Silicone LED Neon Strip Light

Flexible Silicone LED Neon Strip Light

Step 4: Account for Power Supply and Connectors

When measuring for LED strip lights, it’s essential to account for the power supply and any connectors you might need. The power supply should be located close enough to the strip lights to avoid excessive voltage drop, which can affect the brightness and performance of the lights.

If you plan to use connectors to join multiple strips or navigate corners, include the length of these connectors in your measurements. Most connectors add a small amount of length, so factor this in to ensure a seamless installation.

Step 5: Double-Check Your Measurements

Before purchasing your LED strip lights, double-check all your measurements to ensure accuracy. Verify that you’ve accounted for all corners, curves, and connectors, and that the total length aligns with the available cut points on the strip.

It’s also a good idea to add a small margin to your measurements, especially if you’re new to installing LED strip lights. This gives you some flexibility during installation and helps prevent issues if your initial measurements were slightly off.

Outdoor Applications

Outdoor Applications

FAQs About Measuring for LED Strip Lights

Q: How do I measure for LED strip lights with corners?

A: When measuring for corners, follow the contour of the area with your measuring tape, including any bends or angles. You can use connectors to navigate sharp corners, so include their length in your total measurement.

Q: What if my LED strip lights are too long?

A: LED strip lights can be cut at designated cut points, usually marked on the strip. Measure carefully to ensure you cut at the right spot, and use connectors or end caps to finish the cut ends.

Q: Can I extend LED strip lights if they’re too short?

A: Yes, you can extend LED strip lights by using connectors or soldering additional strips. Ensure that your power supply can handle the total length of the extended strip.

Q: How much extra length should I add to my measurement?

A: Adding an extra 2-4 inches to your measurement is recommended, especially if you’re new to installing LED strips. This provides a small margin for error and helps ensure a precise fit.

In conclusion, accurately measuring for LED strip lights is essential for a successful installation. By following these steps, you can ensure that your LED strips fit perfectly, providing the desired lighting effect without any issues. Whether you’re lighting up a kitchen, a staircase, or an entertainment area, careful measurement will help you achieve a professional and polished result.

MDL Lighting helps you choose the perfect LED strip lights for your project. Buy LED lights from MDL now.